Monday, October 01, 2007

The world according to one of my students...

The world is a broken place...

In this world, cutting helps some deal, everyone is getting fat. No one is telling the truth, lying is consistent, self-made tears can be blue tears or red droplets, war goes on everyday to try and achieve peace and people are starving to death. Charity is a thing of the past, we all lie to ourselves and everyone around us, nowhere is safe, everyone has phobias and multiple fears. We all lose hope, money controls us all and friends all carry knives in order to stab you in the back when you aren't looking. Disease runs wild, relationships are harder, hook-ups and one night stands happen more often, underage drinking is popular, illegal drugs are being taken, smiles are fakes, homes are broken, life-spans are shorter, material things are a must and abuse is high. Sex is meaningless, boys are jerks, girls are the equivalent of the devil, nobody cares, everyone fends for themselves, animals are being eaten, and forests are destroyed. Health is getting worse, STD's are common, rumors are spread like wildfire, trust is slim, honesty is disappearing and crying is a daily activity.

Man, the world needs Jesus, huh? Reminds me of why we do what we do...


Randy Roda said...

How much of that stuff goes on in the church? Pretty chilling!

Jeff Kahl said...

Amen, Matt. Teens today have been brought into a world where stability, consistency, and truthfulness are the exception, not the rule. I totally agree that what your student wrote is what most teenagers see all around them.

But I've found that when we model those things for them (stability, consistency, and truthfulness), the best of who they are comes out and they find hope in Christ.

So thanks for your commitment to engage them with the power of the gospel. You've got one of the most important jobs in the church today!


Unknown said...

May we continue to be the ones our teens turn to when they need to find hope and strength. Man is it tough. The stories I have heard from two teens this past week is nothing like what I knew in high school 15 years ago. Give them Jesus!

God's Grace,

smkyqtzxtl said...

I am taking a grad class at EUP, me, a middle aged lady sitting with the students her kids' age. Yup that pretty much sums up their lives, and they are pretty disinterested about hearing the gospel...mosre interested in sensual solutions, things measureable with the senses. If they can't hear it, feel it taste, touch, smell it it pretty much doesn't exist...sad:(

Brett Probert said...

I'm thinking this blog is broken.