Thursday, July 30, 2009

What I need

This week I'm attending the School of Congregational Development in Evanston, IL. Today was the first day of the School, and so far, I've been challenged and called to a deeper sense of ministry. Two major highlights from the day, outside of good food and conversation with new colleagues in ministry. The two major highlights have been:
1. Hearing Bishop James Swanson preach at the Opening Plenary. Sometimes, when I hear really good African-American preachers, I wish that I could preach like that. Listening to Bishop Swanson was one of those time. Bishop Swanson spoke on the importance of raising up young people to follow God's call to ministry, which is a topic which I'm very passionate about. Over the past three years that I've worked in full-time youth ministry, I've realized the critical role that is in place when it comes to calling students into places of ministry. Often, as an adult watching students grow in their desire to follow Jesus, I am more cognizant of God's working in their lives than they are, so a major part of my job is to nurture and name the good gifts of God in the lives of students. Currently, I have several students who I believe God is calling into ministry, and I've spent much time thinking about ways to help students understand that call. I was really hoping to take some of my students to Exploration 09, but it's in Dallas, so it's probably cost prohibitive. Listening to the Bishop this morning about the ways that the Holston Conference mentors young people into ministry, I had to stop and wonder "Why can't we do that?" Why can't we set up some Exploration like weekends? Why can't we challenge students to full-time ministry at Winter Blitz? It's something that I need to keep praying about, but I might call the Conference Youth Coordinator and offer my time to developing a program that will help us raise up young people to places of leadership and ministry.

2. I've made a startling realization in my time here. I don't pray enough. Simple as that. This afternoon I was listening to Jorge Acevedo talk about ministry to the working class, and in the course of his workshop, Jorge talked about the growth of his church, Grace Church, in Florida. Listening to Jorge and hearing the stories about baptisms and changed lives makes me want to cry, and it makes me want to learn from Jorge. If Beth would move to Florida, I would do everything in my power to somehow end up on Jorge's staff, but Beth won't move to Florida, so it's not a consideration. But, as Jorge was teaching today I was struck by the fact that I really don't pray enough. I think about the lost, I brainstorm ways to meet the lost, and I even attempt to go to the places where lost people are, but rarely do I sit and pour out my heart to the Lord, interceding for those like Abram pled for Sodom. This needs to become a daily part of my work, especially if I ever want to plant a church. This should be the way that I am, and I realized today that my prayer life simply isn't what it needs to be in order to sustain myself and the ministry that God has called and gifted me for. A sobering realization, but a challenging one. I will make some changes.

All and all, a good day. I miss my wife, but that's just the way that travel is, I guess. At this point, it's off to bed for another busy day tomorrow!

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