Friday, May 11, 2007

My Leadership project

I was reading Keith's blog about leadership, and thought that it might be interesting to post a presentation that I'll be giving today, I guess, on Christian Leadership. It might be dull to watch with just the powerpoint, but I'd love to hear some feedback!

I've taken John Gardner's 9 Tasks of Leadership and connected them with Christian Leadership and the three essential functions of Christian Leadership (Governance, Direction and Liberation). It's pretty self-explanatory, really...

Here's the link...


Keith H. McIlwain said...

Good stuff.

I would disagree, however, in that I think ordained clergy are symbols...not only that, but symbols nevertheless. We represnt the Church and all its traditions...doctrine, connection, mission...and we need to embody all of that.

That can be a powerful leadership tool.

Have you read Thomas Oden's Pastoral Theology? You'd like it; it might make for a good summer read.

Randy Roda said...

Matt...I love what you wrote about governance. Sometimes I think we buy too much into secular strategic planning and marketing schemes. Governance is about being faithful and disciplined. It is not just about effective management. Great power point. Very helpful stuff.

Matt said...

While I agree with your idea that clergy are symbols, that sounds very hollow to me. I believe that clergy should embody those values rather than symbolize. This might just be semantics, but it's somthing that I've been thinking about.

John Shaver said...

Matt, good thoughts. Keep up the good work my friend! Look forward to seeing you at AC and catching up. My blog will be up by in another week (I'll take the laptop on vacation) so write the papers and check the blogs later (advice from a formerly easily distracted seminarian). Grace and Peace, John

Brett Probert said...

matt...good stuff. see you at AC.